Saturday, 21 July 2012

Here's a Weird one Guys + (particularly) Gals..

Some hack, Ms Zoe Williams from The Guardian Newspaper managed to get out of her office recently +  visit Bexhill. She's written a piece called,
'Rother: The most Female place in England+Wales..cutting edge journalism me-thinks..
The gist of it is that the place is full of old women...We know this already as they have no shame+ chase us all the time asking to go to tea dances or for walks on the prom..they hardly leave you alone! It's like they have raided Boots pharmacy + stolen all the oestrogen and progesterone patches..
From another angle of Bexhill she says "There just isn't enough mess to suggest habitation.."
She's obviously never stayed over from Wed to Thurs. in Central Bexhill after the SeaGulls have 'had their way' with the bin bags!
 or visited Egerton Park to step in the piles of dog shit which abound.. can read the full article here..if you've nothing better to do!
Must Fly..

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