Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Mary Portas...nearest thing to God or is that Goddess!

Mary Portas presented her report on 'How to save the High Street' yesterday. Early days but loads of great recs. about how we can get the town thriving again. Here is her 28 'Bullet point' easy reference link.
or for her full report see here..
Good reading..
Larus A.

Go see Andy Warhol followed by our very own Roger Arguile!

Seen the Warhol exhibition...having a fag on the DLWP patio and don't know what to do next...
IDEA- Go see brilliant exhibition @ Ark Studio in Sackville Rd by our very own Roger Arguile.. ENJOY! 
Here's a taster..
Must fly
Larus A.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Weird music stuff from the DLWP today..

As it says 'on the tin' (sic)
'Year 5 students from Lewes Old Grammar School performing a "food orchestra" composition, inspired by ingredients from Campbell's Soup. An education event for the Interpretation Team at the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill-on-Sea, part of "Warhol is Here".

Hope fully some pics to follow and a sound file maybe?
Must Fly
Larus A.

Why are there so many charity shops in Bexhill..Here's why! Lets get the Vox Pop out and see what people think about it

Morning....Just woken up to Mary Portas report on how we can 'Save our High Street' Twitter is trending her at the 1st place so EVERYONE is really interested in this issue. As the Charity shop capitol of the UK if not the world...this is of pressing concern to all of us in Bexhill. We have 'cut and pasted' the feature here.
'The Charity Commission is examining over 700 cases where shop owners may be reducing their business rates liabilities by paying charities to sign tenancies for empty shops.
Last month, a Financial Times investigation found that charities were getting donations in return for signing tenancy agreements on hard-to-let shops.

Charities occupying commercial property qualify for a mandatory 80 per discount on business rates, provided the property is used wholly or mainly for charitable purposes. Local authorities also have the discretion to grant the remaining 20 per cent as a further discount.

The Charity Commission says it has heard concerns from a number of local authorities where charities are entering into tenancy agreements on commercial property but where in practice the property is, or appears to be, empty. Charities often claim they require the properties for storage or other purposes.

It warns: “As the regulator, we are concerned that these charities may find themselves involved in what local authorities might consider to be business rates avoidance by landlords. This could potentially result in charities losing the discretionary discount and being required to pay 20 per cent of the business rates.”

The Charity Commission is examining 700 cases where the above practice could be the case, warning that it could be risky for charities involved if they do not follow a proper and reasonable decision-making process before entering into these tenancy agreements, and if they are not physically occupying the premises.

The Charity Commission is aware of cases where charities are being approached by retailers and landlords. Equally, some charities are actively marketing their willingness to enter into tenancy agreements with commercial landlords.'

Until next time
Larus A.

Friday, 9 December 2011

News of an 'unusual' tour in London...

Hello...News of a rather interesting weird tour in London reaches us here @ KBW.. The good folks at UK UNCUT are organising walks of Londons financial district. From the blurb.. 
Occupy London Tours presents...
 Dates TBC
Meet at St Paul's or Canada Square, outside Canary Wharf tube, at 5.00. Look out for the tour guide with the umbrella! 
Canary Wharf - one of the hottest destinations that London has to offer. Marvel at the sights and sounds of the UK's newest financial district, from tax avoidance and bonus bonanzas to financial mismanagement and dirty tricks.  
Join Occupy London for this unique tour as we uncover the true story of the mess we're in...

"Without doubt, the most exciting tour in London. Five stars". The Evening Standard
Must fly (down to London..)
Larus A. 

Monday, 5 December 2011

Weird people on the seafront yesterday!

So much weirdness in Bexhill yesterday...particularly on the seafront!  It's becoming a crazy people magnet down there...1st up somone has posted a demolition order on one of the shelters...!  talking of shelters several people (I think they were people..) were doing some art installation in one of them..We are processing pics. as we write..ALL will be revealed ASAP.  In the meantime more weird stuff from Bexhill, this time in Sidley.. from Christopher + Truday  ENJOY..
Must fly
Larus A.

Friday, 2 December 2011

New Wave, Next Wave or Wave goodbye?

God..we have really tried to steer well clear of commenting on anything to do with the 'New Wave' project on Bexhill seafront...but recently our e-mail inbox is jammed with letters 
The whole issue has divided Terns against Gulls, Swans against Pidgeons etc. etc.
From a gull point of view the shelters are great to perch on..there will be a nice build up of guano soon for RDC workmen to scrape off.  The new colonade is brilliant also as all the family can drop 'snack' mussels all day now with impunity.  I was a little disconcerted however by the new  Bidets (I think the humans call them water features..)  We love to get a good cleaning after our Guano duties, our salt water dives and our  'bin bagging' raids around the town. We as a gull family are really over the moon that RDC has put all these facilities here for must have cost them a fortune! So we will have no -ve comments here will all enjoy the new facilities.
 Until next time
must fly ...Larus A.